Wednesday, 11 April 2012

What things to evaluate in your life when struggling with your health

Are you chronically tired?  Do you have chronic pain?  Are you getting frequent infections, flus, cold, etc?  Are you overweight or underweight?  Do you have high blood pressure?  Have you been diagnosed with depression, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, chronic stress syndrome, chronic pain syndrome or other such things?  Have you been diagnosed with a disease, like cancer, MS, diabetes, etc?

Over the last several years, I have struggled with being 'sick', and it has been getting worse and worse.  This has given me years of experience in trying to be a good steward of my body, and do what I can to be healthier.  I have found some very helpful things, and some not very helpful things.  I have wasted money/resources/time, and I have spent money/resources/time profitably.

Because I have been so long sick, and tried so many things, several people have been asking me for advice regarding their various ailments.  Hopefully, the following considerations will help you learn how to evaluate the various influences that may be damaging your health.  Unfortunately, the answer to what is causing or worsening a particular ailment is rarely ever clear cut (even if the doctor has diagnosed you with cancer).  There are many things that may be harming your health, in many different ways.  Evaluating the following things carefully and methodically has vastly helped me deal with being sick and moving forward.  I just wish someone had given me this list of considerations 8 years ago!!!

So on with the list.  I will have to be brief in my points, so please contact me if you have questions.  Please don't be overwhelmed!  The goal is to systematically eliminate factors that are harming you.  Take aim at only a couple things at a time!

1.  Spiritual factors:

A) This is the most important one.  If your soul is not right with God, it really doesn't matter whether your body is healthy.  Plus, being in rebellion to God can cause great damage not only on the soul, but on the body.  If you are not a Christian, please read the following website:

B) If you are a Christian, is there unconfessed sin in your life?   (Anger, lust, deceit, immorality, etc)

C) Is your relationship with God as it should be, or have you been trying to be self-sufficient?

2.  Emotional factors: is there stress, anger, fear, depression, difficult circumstances in your life (at home, in your workplace, in relationships)?  Our bodies respond very poorly to such issues.

3.  Environmental factors: is there mould, allergens, chemical substances (even things like air fresheners, laundry detergents, and perfumes can be very harmful), gases, electro-magnetic stress in your workplace or home?  You will need to find out if you are sensitive to any of these things.  Even your drinking water can be a major problem to health!  You can figure these things out by seeing Dr. Krop. You can also get help from a company called Breathing Easy -

4.  Nutritional factors:
A)Is your diet clean (free of trans fats, preservatives, pesticides)?
B)  Is it well-balanced (proper portions of protein, starch, fat, veggies and fruits - by the way, I am not too keen on Health Canada's Food Guide - I will try to blog about this sometime)?
C)  Do you have any food allergies or sensitivities that are aggravating your body (you will need the help of a naturopath or nutritionist to figure this out)?
D)  Do you have any vitamin or mineral deficiencies (your doctor can do thorough blood work to evaluate this)?
E)  Do you have a candida overgrowth (you can find more information on candida just by googling it)?

5.  Fitness factors:
A) Do you exercise regularly (3+ times a week)?
B)  Do you exercise according to your unique physical needs?  Some people need vigorous exercise, and others need gentle exercises like yoga.  The ultimate goal is to make sure you are getting your heart rate up, and getting that blood circulating!

6.  Medical factors:  Do you have some kind of disease, physical ailment or psychological disorder disrupting your body's proper functions?  If you are struggling with your health chronically, make sure your doctor tests you thoroughly, and sends you to a variety of specialists.  If you are hitting a brick wall with your doctor, go and see an alternative doctor (like Dr. Krop or Dr. Jaconello if you live in Toronto). You want to make sure to rule out everything you possibly can.  Dr. Jaconello was far more thorough with me than any of my other doctors.
Also, if there is something structurally wrong in your body, you may benefit from a chiropractor, physiotherapist or massage therapist, etc.  Try to see the right kind of doctor/practitioner.

This is not everything, I'm sure, but it's a good starting point.  If one of these areas is a problem, it may create problems in all the other areas.  But sometimes, if you fix one area, all the other areas are cleared up.

It is good to do what we can, for the sake of our loved ones, in order to have or maintain good health.  However, ultimately we are in God's hands, and whether we are healthy or unhealthy is up to Him.  His strength is sufficient for us.  I praise God for allowing me to be sick, but that is a subject I will discuss further in another entry!

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