I first started discovering some of my food sensitivities in 2006 when I went on an elimination diet. At the time I was very unwell, struggling with great amounts of fatigue, body pain and stomach pain. I felt bloated all the time. I even knew that something I was eating was hurting me, but had no idea where to begin to figure out what. I went to a naturopath for the purpose of figuring out if I had any food sensitivities. She eliminated all the most common food sensitivities from my diet for a couple months, then had me add each food back into my diet one at a time. This is when I discovered my gluten intolerance (wheat, barley, rye, spelt, kamut) and my tomato sensitivity. When I added gluten back into my diet, I felt like I had eaten 2 cakes in one sitting (in other words I was very bloated) and was struck with a very intense and strange muscle weakness/fatigue that would last 4 days. When I added tomato back into my diet, I experienced extreme muslce inflammation all over my body. On the other hand, when I eliminated tomatoes, I stopped having knee pain (which I had had for years). My reactions to these things are not in my head, because I have reacted to them when I didn't even know I had eaten them (I would discover after experiencing pain that the problem food had been a hidden ingredient).
As my health has declined, I have found my food sensitivities are increasing. I have learned to be very aware of my body, and what causes it harm (whether it be food, environmental, electromagnetic, etc). This is part of the reason I know what my restrictions are. However, in the last couple years, I have also had some tests done through my naturopath which have verified that I am actually sensitive to the foods I have restricted from my diet.
Now, if I eat a food I am sensitive to, my body immediately pays the consequences. I will usually be unable to sleep because the pain in my stomach is so severe. I will suffer from constipation. Sometimes, I feel as though I have been punched hard in the stomach. I will often experience widespread muscle inflammation for a few days, and increased fatigue. My mood will very often be affected, and I'll be more susceptible to anger. The culprit food can debilitate my body for several days. I keep trying to convince myself that if I just keep trying these foods, I will get over my sensitivities, so I cheat frequently. Sadly, every time the reaction to that food gets worse and worse. My husband Sony gets quite exasperated with my experiments, because he's the one who has to live with me when the pain hits. He knows better than I do myself that these food restrictions are real and necessary. Obviously, I'd prefer not to have them...life would be SO much easier!!! But I do have them, and even though some people doubt them, I need to stick to this strict diet and press on. Thankfully God is gracious, and helps me bear with all these things, and gives me much hope for heaven where I will have my pick food for eternity!!!
Here's a list of my restrictions to give you an idea of all I have had to give up. Some people have it far worse than I do, so I am thankful that it's not worse and so far I have been able to manage them. It is a complicated business trying to prepare meals for myself, but I have learned and am learning. So here's the list:
- Dairy
- Gluten
- Tomatoes
- Peppers
- Eggplant
- Soy
- Caffeine (chocolate, coffee, tea)
- Eggs
- Lentils/beans
- Seeds (chia, sunflower, sesame, etc)
- Quinoa
- Sugar
- Honey
- Maple Syrup
- Preservatives
- Additives
- Food Colouring
- Peanuts
- Vegetable oil (really am only able to have olive and coconut oil)
- Beef
- Pork
- Shellfish
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